Meet Three Local SOU Students

Here at Southern Oregon University, we have a variety of students from all over. Most are from Southern Oregon considering there are only two universities nearby. Our first local encounter was with Darion, a junior majoring in art. Darion originally grew up in South Dakota but moved to Brookings, Oregon at the age of 12. He continued to live there for the next 15 years. Life in Brookings was very calm. The reason for that was the consistent sound nature had in this town. Nothing but ocean waves and the ocean breeze blowing through the trees. One location that he highly recommends everybody is to explore the natural bridges viewpoint. Brookings is known for having incredible scenery. They provide a mix of beaches and forest life all in one. You get the real Pirates of Caribbean experience as he puts it.

Another local that we met was Mckaela, a senior majoring in graphic design. She explained how life in Bend is relatively peaceful and most locals there are all about the outdoors like herself. Her favorite thing to do there with her friends and family is taking the ATV out for a spin in the Deschutes National Forest.

Our final local encounter was Amy, a sophomore majoring in English. She grew up in Jacksonville, Oregon. One of the smallest towns in Southern Oregon with a population of 4,600 people. Life there was very friendly and quiet. Most local neighbors either worked in agriculture or owned a shop in town. Going to town was one of her favorite things to do there. Town in Jacksonville is like a blast from the past as she puts it. It maintains that old historical western atmosphere that you won’t find in most places around Southern Oregon. It’s truly a unique and well-preserved place to visit. 

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